Top 100 Community Proposal: Coolman's Universe

Project Name: Coolman’s Universe

Author Name: Ronniedobbs & guru
Number of Collab Tokens Requested: 1,240,553

Recipient Address (Team Optimism Multisig) - eth:0xdC2869448fe84Bf1398658982a2F70642e434300

Proposal for token distribution:

100% of the tokens would be allocated to be distributed to our community in a way that would be fun and engaging for our holders.

Eligible holders with a Collab.Land verified holder role would be invited to participate in an omnichannel creative contest (on Discord, Twitter, and other platforms). 

The contest would be around a positive community message and would include Collab.Land awareness.

All active holders who participate in the contest would be eligible for the drop. 

They would receive a pro-rata portion of the CMU allocation based on the number of CMU tokens they hold in their Collab.Land verified wallet.

We would aim to run the creative contest within 90 days of receiving token allocation. At the end of the contest users would then have 30 days to claim their tokens.

How many members?

A Collab.Land role based snapshot will be taken to reward our most loyal and engaged and active holders.

Members that have verified their assets through Collab.Land will be eligible for rewards but they will also need to participate in a twitter/discord omnichannel contest in order to be eligible.

We will also weight the rewards based on the number of CMU tokens they own in their Collab.Land verified wallet. 

We have approximately 6,000 holders, but it is likely a substantial number of these holders will not opt in through participation in the contest.  As such, it is likely the distribution will be to <1000 wallets.  

How will this help the adoption of Collab.Land?

We use Collab.Land roles quite a lot in our community. We have a number of tier based roles based on the number of tokens members have in each collection and we use those in giveaways regularly.  This will increase member awareness of how useful Collab.Land is in helping us do that.  

**Additionally, we will design the contest such that Collab.Land roles are a part of the messaging. 

Additionally, we’ll use the Collab.Land interface to determine pro-rata allocation of tokens. 

In all of these ways we will drive more interest and awareness to the use of Collab.Land and verifying their nft holdings through Collab.Land.  

What is the benefit to the wider ecosystem?

We truly believe in the power of community at Coolman’s Universe.

By being able to use our discord verification bot and grant roles to our most loyal holders we are able to reward the members that have helped along our journey. We believe that these members will be vocal on social media about their rewards and help drive interest and awareness to the uses of Collab.Land.   

Will the project provide coincentives?

Users will be awarded with a discord role that will hold future benefits for participating.  We may consider a special airdrop of coolman dan art to participants.  

Where will tokens be held by team?

Tokens will be held and distributed from the community leadership team multisig Optimism wallet @ eth:0xdC2869448fe84Bf1398658982a2F70642e434300

Addendum 1: All participants in the contest will receive tokens. They'll receive their pro-rata share of the tokens. This will be calculated based on their tokens in their wallet verified through Collab.Land. For illustration purposes. Let's say I hold 10 Coolman's tokens and I participate in the contest. 500 people participate in the contest and their total holdings are 1000 Coolman's tokens. I would be eligible to claim 10/1000 or 1% of the Coolman's Universe $Collab token allocation.

ADDENDUM 2: If >10% of the tokens are unclaimed we will extend the claim period 30 days If <10% of the tokens are unclaimed (or after the 30 day extension), we will hold a raffle amongst those who participated in round one and claimed their tokens. Winner(s) of said raffle will claim the rest of the tokens. 



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